Koby Ford
Koby Ford
Domiciliary Senior Physiotherapist and Neuro Specialist
Koby graduated as a physiotherapist in 2018. He specialised in cardiothoracic surgery, amputee/prosthetic rehab, and neuro rehab.
He has a keen interest in later-life rehab andneuromuscular conditions and has developed various skills and treatment methods to help patients reach their treatment goals.
Along side working at Physiofit Koby is working as a senior physiotherapist with the South Manchester Community Neuro Rehab Team, specialising in helping patients following spinal injuries, strokes and brain injuries.
He has experience supporting individuals living with Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson’s Disease, Huntington’s Chorea, Guillain Barre Syndrome and Motor Neurone Disease. Koby has enjoyed completing Bobath modules and vestibular rehab training, and is continually working further to develop his skills in this complex area of treatment.