Kate Walton
Kate Walton
Senior Physiotherapist
Kate has over 25 years of experience working in the musculoskeletal field. She has extensive post graduate qualifications, the most recent of which was gaining a 1st class Masters module in Extended Health Care Proficiencies.
Kate works part time in the NHS in a large emergency department as a specialist physiotherapist with acute injuries. She is a member of two special interest groups namely “Physiotherapists working in Emergency Medicine” and “The Association of Chartered Physiotherapists who are interested in and or work in Sports and Exercise Medicine”.
She has worked at the 2012 Olympic Games, the National Squash Championships for the past 3 years and has had 15 years’ experience working with women’s county hockey squads in the past. With this experience, combined with being a keen squash player and runner she has developed specialist skills in sports injury prevention and treatment in adults and children.
She was pleased to rejoin the Physiofit team in 2011 after being Angela’s first associate!